Bolding v. Kindel Concrete, LLC

A vehicle owned by Kindel Concrete LLC and driven by one of its employees, Tim Ouimette, rear-ended Kim Bolding’s vehicle. Bolding filed suit against Kindel and the Employee, alleging negligence and negligent entrustment. Bolding and Ouimette settled, and default was entered against Kindel. After a default judgment hearing, the court ruled against Bolding, concluding that she failed to prove causation and damages. The Supreme Court affirmed, holding that the district court (1) correctly concluded that Bolding failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the future medical expenses she claimed were reasonably probable to occur as the result of the accident; (2) did not abuse its discretion by when it refused to settle the record pursuant to Wyo. R. App. P. 3.03; and (3) did not abuse its discretion when it found that Bolding had not met her burden to prove her damages were caused by Kindel’s negligence. View "Bolding v. Kindel Concrete, LLC" on Justia Law